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NigerianCBCS recognizes Nigerian-American Professionals in various sectors of American society. A full-day event is organized to recognize the services and contributions of hard-working citizens, many of whom have broken barriers or obstacles, and grab the opportunities to serve their communities with distinction.
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Honors young individuals who have demonstrated leadership, innovation, and positive influence in their communities.
Recognizes individuals who have promoted Nigerian culture and heritage through arts, music, and cultural activities.
Acknowledges entrepreneurs and business leaders who have achieved remarkable success and contributed to economic growth.
Celebrates healthcare professionals who have shown outstanding dedication and impact in the field of healthcare.
Honors educators, scholars, and students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievements and contributions to education.
Recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to their communities through volunteer work and service initiatives.
Provide your company with valuable exposure to a diverse and influential audience.
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79% of Nigerian-Americans have attended college or university
75% are top management, C-level executives, or own their business
60% of Nigerian-Americans have a household income of $75,000+
89% more likely to purchase nutritional supplements online
Awards judges are all highly respected experts in their fields and include professionals, community leaders, and members of the media
Chief Election Judge
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